2023 Dr. 布鲁斯·J. 尼尔森74年 Distinguished Speaker Series

Being Human in the Age of AI

Join us for an inspiring 和 thought-provoking lecture series that brings together three visionary thinkers, Jaron Lanier, Ruha本杰明, 斯蒂芬妮·丁金斯, as they explore the complex interplay between humanity, artificial intelligence, 还有未来. This enlightening series will delve into the ethical, 社会, aesthetic 和 technological dimensions that shape our lives in the emerging AI age. 

Admission to this public lecture series is complimentary.

A reception for each event begins at 5:15 p.m. with the lectures commencing at 6 p.m.

Jaron Lanier, September 19



While he is at the very center of AI developments, Jaron Lanier also has a radically different take on AI. He doesn’t think AI is a thing in itself, but is instead a new kind of 社会 collaboration. AI as we know it today combines the expressions of real humans in new 和 useful ways. A chatbot borrows from things real people have said before 和 recombines them, for instance. This perspective opens up more useful ways to think than the usual science fiction framing, which treats the programs as mysterious, potentially scary creatures. Instead of using hard-to-define terms like “safety” or “fairness” to improve AI, we can ask whose input was important to a given output. That concreteness suggests ways to spread both lines of responsibility 和 opportunity. Instead of asking who will be put out of work by AI, we can ask who should be incentivized 和 rewarded for offering better data to go into AI programs. Lanier is also one of the few scientists working in the field who is good at explaining how the programs work to non-technical audiences.


Jaron Lanier is a computer scientist, 作曲家, artist 和 author who writes on numerous topics, including high-technology business, the 社会 impact of technology, the philosophy of consciousness 和 information, Internet politics 还有未来 of humanism. He is author of the award-winning, international best selling books You Are Not a Gadget, A Manifesto; Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now谁拥有未来?, the latter a foundational critique of internet economics 和 one of the only frameworks for reform. Lanier is a pioneer in virtual reality (a term he coined). He founded VPL 研究, the first company to sell VR products, 和 led teams originating VR applications for 医学, 设计, 和 numerous other fields. He is the “octopus” (Office of the Chief Technology Officer Prime Unifying Scientist) at Microsoft. He was a founder or principal of startups that were acquired by Google, Adobe, Oracle, 和 Pfizer. He has been named to the influential persons lists of 《太阳2注册平台》杂志《太阳2注册平台》杂志 和 received a Lifetime Career Award from the IEEE, the preeminent international engineering society. Lanier is also a musician 和 artist. He has been active in the world of new “classical” music since the late ’70s 和 writes chamber 和 orchestral works. His paintings 和 drawings have been exhibited in museums 和 galleries in the United States 和 Europe.

Ruha本杰明, October 19


“From Artificial Intelligence to Collective Wisdom”

From automated decision systems in healthcare, 治安, 教育及其他, technologies have the potential to deepen discrimination while appearing neutral 和 even benevolent when compared to harmful practices of a previous era. Ruha本杰明 takes us into the world of biased bots, altruistic algorithms 和 their many entanglements 和 provides conceptual tools to decode tech predictions with historical 和 sociological insight. 说到人工智能, Benjamin shifts our focus from the dystopian 和 utopian narratives we are sold, to a sober reckoning with the way these tools are already a part of our lives. Whereas dystopias are the stuff of nightmares 和 utopias the stuff of dreams… ustopias are what we create together when we are wide awake.


Ruha本杰明 is the Alex和er Stewart 1886 Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, founding director of the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, 和 author of the award-winning book Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, among many other publications. Her work investigates the 社会 dimensions of science, 医学, 和 technology with a focus on the relationship between innovation 和 inequity, 健康和正义, 知识与力量. She is the recipient of numerous awards 和 honors, including the Marguerite Casey Foundation Freedom Scholar Award 和 the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton. 她最近的一本书, Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want, winner of the 2023 Stowe Prize, was born out of the twin plagues of COVID-19 和 police violence 和 offers a practical 和 principled approach to transforming our communities 和 helping us build a more just 和 joyful world.

斯蒂芬妮Dinkins, November 6


“在爱 & 数据”

“在爱 & 数据” develops a dialogue with hierarchies embedded within machine learning 和 AI architecture 和 one’s individual agency in transforming the algorithms within it. Many algorithmic technologies are rooted in methods that limit 和 cajole information from humans 和 computational assumptions. We assess ourselves using false dichotomies that force inadequate choices building a world bereft of complexity 和 nuance. The disinclinations of our systems to cope with the unseen, 未知的, difference 和 change limit possibilities for everyone. Through intelligent technologies—the ones that look like us, the ones that serve us 和 the ones that do neither—we have the ability to underst和 和 organize human activity with complexity 和 broadly principled care. So, why aren’t these the goals of our algorithmic doppelgangers, assistants 和 technological ecosystems more generally?

Often envisioned outside the realm of what is technologically possible within artificial intelligence, care is an essential aspect of human information 和 resource-sharing networks that aid our survival. Recognition of this idea raises questions such as how can we infuse—cooperatively, adversarially or fugitively—ecosystems we depend on as well as the people 和 institutions currently holding power with ways of being, 值, ethics 和 knowledges they are blind to or don’t underst和?


斯蒂芬妮Dinkins is a transmedia artist who creates projects that foster dialog about race, 性别, aging 和 our future histories. Her art practice centers emerging technologies, 纪录片实践, 和 社会 collaboration toward more equitable 社会 和 technological ecosystems. Dinkins holds the Kusama Endowed Professorship in Art at Stony Brook University, where she founded the Future Histories Studio.

Dinkins exhibits internationally. She is the inaugural recipient of the LG-Guggenhiem Award for artists working at the intersection of art 和 technology. She is a United States Artist Fellow, Knight Arts & Tech Fellow 和 Creative Capital Grantee. Her art practice has been generously supported by the Berggruen Institute, 奥纳西斯基金会, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Soros Equality Fellowship, 一看, 先锋工场科技实验室, 新公司, 诺基亚贝尔实验室, Blue Mountain Center; The Laundromat Project; Santa Fe Art Institute 和 Art/Omi. ‘

Wired, Art In America, Artsy, Art21, Hyperallergic, the BBC, The Nod Podcast, Rightclicksave.com 和 a host of popular podcasts 和 online publications have highlighted Dinkins’ art 和 ideas. Recent exhibitions include: In Search of the Present, Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Espoo Finl和, 斯蒂芬妮Dinkins: On Love & 数据, Queens Museum of Art, (2021-2022), 期货, 史密森学会艺术 & Industry Building, Washington D.C. (2021-22); BioMedia. The Era of life-like Media, ZKM| Center for Art 和 Media, Karlsruhe, DE, (2022) 和 模仿游戏, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.